Karate Thoughts

I needed a place where I could write my thoughts and feelings about karate.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


I bought a pair of running sneakers on Sunday.

That was Step One, of Goal One! What is Goal One? To run. That's right. I'd like to start running. I've never been a runner, and could never even run down the block without being winded. I can, though, "run" out of breath VERY well!

I'm told that I had BETTER be able to run if I ever want to get a black belt! So, here I am, with a pair of running shoes in my hands, at the ready. Now, all I have to do is put them on, grab a jacket and get outside.....

Step TWO, of Goal One....run as long as I can, 4 times a week, without needing an ambulance. Maybe 15 minutes, or around the block, whichever doesn't kill me first!

Wish me luck.

By the way,
Goal TWO (my second and final goal): Be a brown belt by my 40th birthday.....this November. There....I said it...no turning back now!


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