Karate Thoughts

I needed a place where I could write my thoughts and feelings about karate.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Got Hurt

I hurt my back last Saturday and have been trying to recuperate as fast as I can!!!
How did I get hurt? By getting taken down? thrown? pushed? flipped? NOPE. Throwing a simple back kick in the air. It didn't help that I was moving heavy boxes around at work the day before. I must have strained it then, without realizing it. What a lame "injury story!"

No magic, though, to making myself get better faster...Just plenty of rest, and NO karate. Arghh. I visited a chiropracter a few times, but have come to the conclusion that, although he definitely helped me feel better, I DON'T want to go back to him! Why? I don't like the feeling of having my bones adjusted! I'd rather have a relaxing massage to ease the pain...(lower back, left of center). I think I'll try some massage therapy this week!

I'm going to give myself one more week of no karate. I know. I know. Don't rush it. If I go back too early, then the pain will just come back again. To keep my sanity, I'm going to say one more week, but I may need another one after that. I, unfortunately, know my limits.


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