Karate Thoughts

I needed a place where I could write my thoughts and feelings about karate.

Sunday, January 16, 2005


Went to a clinic today, with Professor Kimo, from Hawaii. http://www.kempojutsu.net/index.html
He is an unbelievable martial artist. We learned many wrist locks and joint manipulations. Even though I hesitate sometimes when I try these on other people (I don't want to really hurt them), I love learning about them. It is amazing to me how simple it can be to "control" someone else and take them down....no matter what size they are.
Most of the people there were black belts. There were actually three other women in the dojo. What a treat! They were black belts, too.....there's hope for me yet! My old instructor was there, too. It was nice to see him again. I really miss him. I wish he could come back to our studio.

Saturday, January 01, 2005


I just read a blog about women and karate. When I started karate, there were a number of women there. Not too many, but enough to raise my level of comfort in a class full of upper ranks, mostly men, a few of which are over 6 feet tall (I'm only 5'2")!. We all got along. I got to know everyone, learned about each one's personality, and how to work out with them. I became friends with one woman in particular. I really enjoyed working out with her. Without realizing it, she was a part of my motivation in coming to class (the other motivation being an Excellent instructor). We worked very well together and we liked each other, too! It was nice to be able to relate to someone else about karate. My husband is certainly not a fan of my martial arts endeavor. He's still wondering WHY I like to be tossed about the room and pay for it, too! Anyway, about two weeks ago she gave me the good news/bad news...good news was that she got accepted into a degree program at a local university...bad news, no more karate for a while.

Now, I feel like I'm alone. Over the past few months, almost all of the women have dropped out or have taken a leave. I'm the "only" woman left, besides one teenage junior blackbelt. She's nice, but still in high school. I still enjoy classes, but right now I feel like something, or someone, is missing. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy for my friend that she is pursuing a new career. She works very hard and she deserves it. I guess, selfishly, I loved having a workout partner who I could relate to. I'm sure my friend and I will continue to keep in touch....I wish it were different, though.

On a good note, the "guys" have been very supportive of me. I DO like to work with them, too. I think that they are beginning to have more respect for me, too, seeing that I've stuck it out for more than an obligatory "introductory offer"! At green belt, I think I've earned my place....finally.