Karate Thoughts

I needed a place where I could write my thoughts and feelings about karate.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Fan Form

I went to a clinic at my studio yesterday. Master Tak Wah gave a Kung Fu demonstration and taught us the Fan Form. It was a bit difficult to learn because there were so many people and little time. But, I had a great time. I'm sure that ML will teach it to those who attended the clinic. I didn't expect to learn the entire form in 2 hours.

ML, Mike, Matt, and others gave Kung Fu demonstrations. I really like to watch Kung Fu. It has beautiful, fluid movements. The forms that were demonstrated were great. I don't really have time to do KungFu though. Kempo keeps me busy enough! I'll be happy to learn this form. And, I do have the "Eagle" form...if I can remember it all. I loved doing that one, too.

Oh, yeah, I forgot the best part! I WON the raffle and received a samurai sword set! I couldn't believe it! I never win anything...I know JUST the place to display them!