Not Enough Hours in the Day
I wish I had more time so that I could teach....karate, that is. I've spoken with ML. He's very excited about me wanting to teach. I tried to make it clear to him that I have to see what my school schedule is like and if the times that I'm free match up with the times he would like me to teach. I don't think he heard me very well! Haha! He is hyped up about me teaching the tiger cubs. I saw the class the other day. They are so cute! But, the class is earlier in the afternoon, and I don't think my schedule will allow me to come that early. Well, I'll leave my options open. I really do enjoy helping out.
ML also asked me to attend the blackbelt workouts, too. I LOVE that idea! He reserves that class belts, obviously, and instructors. I may have to give up another nite for it....but only if I HAVE to (translated..."only if my husband threatens to divorce me for doing MORE karate!"). He's very supportive, but only to a point!
I feel like I'm rambling. It's just that I'm feeling anxious about it. I think it's because a new school year is starting next week; I'm ending my summer internship also(which I LOVED doing and will amazingly miss); I'm trying to work in MORE karate, all while finishing up end-of-summer projects, getting my son ready for 5th grade, training the new puppy, etc., etc...yes...I'm definitely rambling.
Had I mentioned our new addition to the family??! His name is Oreo and he's a 4mo. old mini schnauzer. Like I didn't have enough to do! He's too cute, though!