Karate Thoughts

I needed a place where I could write my thoughts and feelings about karate.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Got Hurt

I hurt my back last Saturday and have been trying to recuperate as fast as I can!!!
How did I get hurt? By getting taken down? thrown? pushed? flipped? NOPE. Throwing a simple back kick in the air. It didn't help that I was moving heavy boxes around at work the day before. I must have strained it then, without realizing it. What a lame "injury story!"

No magic, though, to making myself get better faster...Just plenty of rest, and NO karate. Arghh. I visited a chiropracter a few times, but have come to the conclusion that, although he definitely helped me feel better, I DON'T want to go back to him! Why? I don't like the feeling of having my bones adjusted! I'd rather have a relaxing massage to ease the pain...(lower back, left of center). I think I'll try some massage therapy this week!

I'm going to give myself one more week of no karate. I know. I know. Don't rush it. If I go back too early, then the pain will just come back again. To keep my sanity, I'm going to say one more week, but I may need another one after that. I, unfortunately, know my limits.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

BlackBeltMamma Challenge

My goal is to increase my cardiovascular endurance...yes...I still want to RUN!
On days where I don't go to karate, I will spend 30 minutes doing cardio exercises. That should work out to 3 days a week, minimum.
There you go, BBM. Consider me challenged! :)