Karate Thoughts

I needed a place where I could write my thoughts and feelings about karate.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Better Than Last Week

We went round robin again, on Thursday, and today. I kept up, finally. I didn't forget everything, like last week. I really like when we punch-in to everyone, and not just to a small group. We all get experience from the higher ranks--from getting to watch what they do, to receiving advice from them. And, the advice is greatly appreciated!

We also practiced weapons. I finally got to hold a bo staff this week! My nunchucku form is pretty good--I know I have to keep on practicing that constantly. But, I was able to learn the beginning of the bo staff form from Master L. It feels pretty good, so far!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Tough Night

I couldn't keep up last night. Sometimes when you think you have it all down and can remember everything you need to know, it all falls apart. I couldn't keep the pace of the others when we were punching-in and going round robin. I forgot my kempos when it counted. ML watched me botch it all up. Oh, well. Then, we sparred. I got pummelled! Expected it, though. The guys are just toying with me! They ARE bigger than me and more advanced, but I'd like to know that I could put up a good fight! I can't yet. Oh. well. Lastly, we worked on weapons. Messed that up too when ML was watching.

I guess I have to take the good with the bad! I just have to keep practicing!